Make effective the powers of the Cabildo de La Palma in matters of social services in the areas of the elderly and disability through three large interconnected lines of action:
Specialized services
- Advice to public and private entities on service portfolio
- Music therapy
- Beach care for people with disabilities "Summer without Barriers"
- Support for children under 21 with disabilities and their families during vacation periods
- Collaboration agreement with SIMPROMI
- Social and Health Coordination
Access and monitoring of island public services and resources included in the Canary Dependency Care System
- Residential centers for dependent seniors
- Day centers for dependent elderly people
- Residential centers for people with disabilities
- Day and occupational centers for people with disabilities
- Functional home
- Psychosocial rehabilitation centers
- Floor and sheltered places for people with mental illness
- Service for the Promotion of Personal Autonomy
- Early Care Service
- Telecare Service
Exercise of the guardianship of judicially incapacitated persons.
Contact information:
- Phones: 922 42 31 00
- General: 4363/4370
- Seniors: 4392/4606
- People with disabilities: 4381/4465
- Guardianships: 4355
- Specialized services: 4370/4354/4493
- Early care, Telecare and Promotion Service: 4369/4353
- Home Help Service for people with dependency: 6928 (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) / 4385 (Tuesday and Thursday). Los Llanos: 6939 (Wednesday and Friday)