An Equality Plan is drawn up with the aim of being an instrument that serves to promote equality in a territory. In the case of La Palma's Strategic Plan for Equality and Prevention and Attention to Gender Violence, it aims to respond to a historical need on the island, that of having a tool that draws a coherent itinerary adapted to the reality of the island, in such a way that this impulse to equality will be firm.
This was raised in, among other moments, the meetings held by the Councilor for Equality of the Cabildo with the municipal teams that work on equality, as well as in various meetings with other institutional agents, who valued that this tool should be a priority in this legislature (such as the Deputy of the Common Council, or the Insular Directorate).
There is no doubt that the health crisis derived from the pandemic has affected and will affect each and every one of the contents presented here. As such, the incidence of COVID19 in the Canary Islands population, and specifically, the palm tree, must be a factor to be observed and integrated at all times in the development of this Plan. However, although this situation is recognized and integrated, the idea is not to stop because of it, but to seek adaptive responses to the ups and downs that the situation may experience.
To prepare this Plan, a diagnosis of equality at the island level has been previously carried out, with the participation of a wide diversity of people, coming from and/or participating in a variety of social reality entities. In response to this diagnosis, the designed Plan is non-conformist in terms of the achievements to be achieved, but it is also adapted to the starting reality, avoiding generating frustration. For this reason, the proposed actions seek to respond to the specific reality found on La Palma, without renouncing desirable goals, but also achievable in the established period of time (2021-2025).
This document, structured in two main parts, presents, firstly, the Diagnosis of the situation of equality in La Palma, explaining the process followed for its development, and the results obtained, organized according to major themes. Secondly, the document presents the Plan itself, explaining its inspiring principles, its objectives and lines of action, and the actions and way of developing them, among other aspects.
We cannot conclude this section without thanking all the people who have participated and been involved in this process of preparing the Diagnosis and Plan, who have greatly facilitated the work of the work team of this project. To all of them, thank you very much.